Verena Michelitsch

Verena Michelitsch is an independent designer and art director based in New York City. Specialized in conceptualizing and creating visual expressions spanning graphic design, art direction, illustration, pattern, editorial and digital design.

How do you describe your work?
I’m Verena, originally from Austria, living and working in NYC since 2011. After working for design studios like RoAndCo, Sid Lee and a brief gig at Apple in California I started my own practice in Brooklyn. For the past year I’ve exclusively worked directly with my own clients in the field of fashion, art, cosmetics and publishing. My work spans from graphic design to art direction, illustration and creative direction.

A designer o studio you admire?
There are so many creatives and designers I admire. At a holiday market I once met Laurence Jaccottet and bought one of her ceramic objects. Her ceramic and graphic design work is great: @maisonmonade

Could you tell us about any of your projects?
I’m currently working on the new issue of @gossamer magazine (a magazine for people who also smoke weed) together with @kristinabartosova I haven’t done editorial design in a while and I’m enjoying it a lot! I do a lot of brand identity work these days, so this is a nice change.