Tania Delgado



I am Tania Delgado, I’ll be turning 29 years old in 3 and a half weeks and I am born and raised in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

I am currently working as a freelance designer based in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

I am passionate about mid century illlustration and overall visual communication forms from that era, illustration for kids, romanticism, chicano culture and history among many more things that influence my wide range of styles that led me to create such variated projects.

How do you describe your work?

Very heterogeneous. I spent the first years of my career wondering how designers/illustrators got to the point where the audience goes like “This was made by such designer”, “This illustration was made by this one”, and only based on certain features that are (obviously) made by someone’s hand. I truly believed that if you couldn’t attach to one style you were not as good.

Turns out both variety and consistence have their own pros and cons and over the years I found myself able to experiment with different styles (specially within illustration)  and go from a 1800’s looking typography based logo to a psychedelic illustration and it flows just naturally to me. I find extremely hard to only attach to one style.

A designer o studio you admire?

Noemie Le Coz: She has this keen eye for everything she does, from a logo to a large scale campaign; her effortless-looking design is just exeptionally well put together.

Pentagram: Of course, the pioneers for modern design. I had the oportunity to visit their offices at NYC and met with Paula Scher and Michael Beirut, and that was really motivating for me, I admire their ability to make their big studio work.

Roanne Adams: Founder of Ro and Co, based in NYC, I love Roanne’s approach to each project and her ability to make everything super elegant and clean-cut.

This list could go on and on but here are some other studios and designers I really admire:
Folch (Spain), Mucho (Spain), Monumento (Mexico), Ochodias (Venezuela), Israpop (Mexico), Ingrid Picanyol (Spain), Bendita Gloria (Spain), Ikko Tanaka (Japan), Alexander Girard (USA), Alice and Martin Provensen (USA), Land (USA), Mariela Mezquita (Mexico), Rik Bracho (Mexico), and many more ❤️

Could you tell us about any of your projects?

Right now I am working on a very personal project that involves apparel and home goods. I am feeling very creative after going through a creative block.

I am hoping to release it early next year after my baby is born (I am pregnant! 🙂 )


Cover photo by Sabbath


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