Kévin Magalhaes



I’m Kevin Magalhaes, 23 years old, French student and Graphic Designer in Lille, France. I offer Art Direction services as freelance for national and international customers in Different fields with clear and effective solutions. I constantly test the different ways of designing a project and keep up to date on all new graphic trends.

5 years studying communication and design at school allowed me to familiarize myself with the different worlds of graphic design. Now I create brand identities, editorial projects, posters, typographies, illustrations, websites, photographs and fashion.

How do you describe your work?

I do not really know how to define my work. I like to propose clean stuff. I always work with a grid to improve my work. I like the minimalism spirit, and I think that with little but well thought out, I can best meet the requirement.

A designer o studio you admire?

I am interested in the design stuff but also in fashion. It’s a passion. I particularly appreciate a French label, «Études Studio». The mix between art, fashion and design is perfect for me. They know how to direct their identity. I really like their publishing work. A simple and effective layout of their own, in a clean book. It may not be a studio specializing in design as I usually work, but their work and way of thinking inspires me a lot.

Could you tell us about any of your projects?

With the arrival of Pokemon Go on our smartphones last year, we had the idea (my friend Laureen Minet and I) to propose a new keyboard of emojis, to allow the Pokémon community to exchange and share through Illustrations gathering all generations of Pokemon.

This work has helped us enormously for the future. We have found international customers but also, this gave us a lot of confidence. This project has been appreciated a lot and this make us very happy.


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